Minerva <ERA>

Balmung ; Crystal Datacenter

Welcome to the official page of Minerva, otherwise known as ERA. We are an inclusive, multi-faceted FC that is home to RPers, raiders, casual players, and everyone in between. Our goal is to foster a supportive, helpful, happy community for our members and enjoy this grand adventure together.

about minerva

Established in 2015, Minerva was created with the intentions of being a small, tight-knit free company by original founders Ashlen Hart and Luther Sharpe.Having now expanded beyond a small group of players, it is our goal to maintain the FC's original atmosphere of warmth and welcome. Many of us have found friends across the globe in Minerva, meeting in-person at Fanfest and having a spectacular time in-game and out.We strive to ensure that all members are given equal opportunities to participate and be involved in our community. Raids, farming, map parties, etc. are formed on a first-come-first-serve basis and often scheduled on a majority-vote time frame. <ERA> prides itself on our laid-back, no-pressure approach to FFXIV, as many of us have jobs, families, and school to attend to outside of the game. Ensuring that our Eorzean experience is enjoyable is our top priority.

meet our founders & officers

Ashlen Hart

Brief paragraph about Ashlen coming soon.

Luther Sharpe

Luther has been playing FFXIV since 2.0 first released and hasn't left Eorzea since. The game is near and dear to his heart, having lead to many friendships and the creation of beloved OCs. When not running PVE content in game, Luther is spending time with his partner, Ashlen and their menagerie of pets, eating too many sweets, and looking for the best-worst horror films.

Vaudemont Lavandiere

Vaudemont has been playing FFXIV since early '14, albeit only after a great deal of coercion from their partner Anu'ra; whereas they first bemoaned it, they fell in love with the game sometime around reaching Coerthas and haven't stopped since. After meeting Ashlen and Luther through a chance Tumblr encounter, Vaudemont joined Minerva in April '15. In-game, they enjoy the majority of PvE content and RP; outside of it, they're an English graduate student and TA that's a bit too enthusiastic about horror and 80s goth bands.